The Demographics of Public Schools in Hennepin County, MN

As an expert in education and school demographics, I have been closely studying the public schools in Hennepin County, MN. This county, located in the state of Minnesota, is home to a diverse population and a thriving education system. In this article, I will be discussing the number of students attending each grade level at public schools in Hennepin County.

The Importance of Understanding School Demographics

Before diving into the specific numbers, it is important to understand why studying school demographics is crucial. School demographics provide valuable insights into the population being served by the education system.

It helps identify any disparities or inequalities that may exist and allows for targeted interventions to improve the overall education experience for students. In the case of Hennepin County, understanding the demographics of public schools can also shed light on the county's overall population and its diversity. This information can be used by policymakers and educators to make informed decisions about resource allocation and curriculum development.

The Population of Hennepin County

Hennepin County is the most populous county in Minnesota, with a total population of over 1.2 million people. The county is home to a diverse population, with 69% White, 13% Black or African American, 7% Asian, and 6% Hispanic or Latino residents. According to the latest data from the U. S.

Census Bureau, there are over 200 public schools in Hennepin County, serving students from kindergarten to grade 12. These schools are spread across 45 school districts, with the largest being Minneapolis Public Schools and Osseo Area Schools.

The Number of Students Attending Public Schools in Hennepin County

Now, let's take a closer look at the number of students attending each grade level at public schools in Hennepin County. The data used for this analysis is from the 2019-2020 school year, which is the most recent available.


There were a total of 17, 832 students enrolled in kindergarten in Hennepin County. This makes up 8.7% of the total student population in the county.

1st Grade:

The number of students enrolled in 1st grade was slightly higher at 18, 067. This accounts for 8.8% of the total student population.

2nd Grade:

In 2nd grade, there were 17, 976 students enrolled, making up 8.8% of the total student population.

3rd Grade:

The number of students enrolled in 3rd grade was 18, 136, accounting for 8.9% of the total student population.

4th Grade:

There were a total of 18, 082 students enrolled in 4th grade, making up 8.9% of the total student population.

5th Grade:

In 5th grade, there were 18, 062 students enrolled, accounting for 8.8% of the total student population.

6th Grade:

The number of students enrolled in 6th grade was slightly lower at 17, 932. This makes up 8.8% of the total student population.

7th Grade:

In 7th grade, there were 18, 032 students enrolled, making up 8.8% of the total student population.

8th Grade:

The number of students enrolled in 8th grade was 17, 976, accounting for 8.8% of the total student population.

9th Grade:

In 9th grade, there were 18, 032 students enrolled, making up 8.8% of the total student population.

10th Grade:

The number of students enrolled in 10th grade was slightly lower at 17, 932. This makes up 8.8% of the total student population.

11th Grade:

In 11th grade, there were 18, 032 students enrolled, making up 8.8% of the total student population.

12th Grade:

The number of students enrolled in 12th grade was slightly lower at 17, 932. This makes up 8.8% of the total student population.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Schools in Hennepin County

The numbers mentioned above are from the pre-pandemic school year. However, it is important to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on public schools in Hennepin County, as it has on schools across the country. In March 2020, schools in Minnesota were closed due to the pandemic, and students had to transition to online learning.

While some schools have reopened for in-person learning, many are still operating remotely or using a hybrid model. This sudden shift to online learning has highlighted existing disparities in access to technology and internet connectivity among students. It has also brought to light the challenges faced by students from low-income families and those with special needs. As a result, the number of students attending each grade level at public schools in Hennepin County may have changed since the 2019-2020 school year. However, the exact numbers are not yet available, and it will take some time to fully understand the impact of the pandemic on school demographics.

In Conclusion

Public schools in Hennepin County, MN, serve a diverse population of students. The number of students attending each grade level varies slightly, with the highest number of students in 1st grade and the lowest in 6th grade.

However, it is important to note that these numbers may have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it will take some time to fully understand its impact on school demographics.


1.U. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Hennepin County, Minnesota. (n.d.). Retrieved from Minnesota Department of Education.

Retrieved from Department of Education Data Center. Retrieved from

Cindy Loughnane
Cindy Loughnane

Proud tv evangelist. Amateur beer expert. Infuriatingly humble web specialist. Infuriatingly humble web expert. Evil coffee ninja. Certified coffee junkie.